Mistaken identity

By Anonymous - 22/07/2021 00:01

Today, a woman I've never met drove to the house I live in and tried to buy meth. She knew my name and I have no idea how. I retired from the Army in December and I'm in the hiring process for Customs and Border Protection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 974
You deserved it 70

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sloppyarab 2

It’s a test. Some vets when coming back start using drugs.

Army and Customs and Border Protection, eh? You probably know where to get the really good meth then! This could be another spin-off of "Breaking Bad", but you're going to have a tough time competing with "Better Call Saul."


Army and Customs and Border Protection, eh? You probably know where to get the really good meth then! This could be another spin-off of "Breaking Bad", but you're going to have a tough time competing with "Better Call Saul."

sloppyarab 2

It’s a test. Some vets when coming back start using drugs.