
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Australia - Melbourne

Today, I went to dinner with a guy I like and paid the $120 bill. After joking that he was an expensive date, he replied, "I'm laughing at how you think this is a date." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 133
You deserved it 6 525

Top comments

I apologize on behalf of all men for the behavior of that douche.

Don't even waste your time with him then. Make sure you collect his half of the bill too.


And yet you will probably keep chasing him

ebethsuperstar 2

Well sorry to say you kind of deserved it, because what self respecting woman PAYS on a first date? I'm a firm believer in EVENTUALLY taking turns paying, but if you pay on the first date, especially that much money, you just paint yourself as a desperate doormat. Gain some confidence and only date REAL men who know the rules of chivalry and wouldn't dare let a woman pay on the first date.

hunteryager 18
ebethsuperstar 2

Haha Jesus you probably can't get a date because you're a broke ass

Fun Fact about chivalry: It actually means displaying civility before and after a spar or duel between men. Particularly when concerning swords or pistols. Has absolutely **** all to do with paying for dates, pulling out chairs, giving your girlfriend your coat, laying your coat on the ground so she can safely walk over some super scary, dangerous rain water or holding doors open. If women want to be treated equal to men, perhaps they should act like it and stop expecting dudes to foot the bill on their behalf based on nothing except some stupid-ass dead tradition from the 1900's in which women had no choice but to let dudes pay due to lack of income.

serklauren 8
TheDrifter 23

Next stop Eddie's wedding chapel and discount ring store?

What a bastard you could get better and the man should pay you'll get the right man soon Hun promise

Ouch...what a jerk...you'll find someone better don't worry...

Worth the $120 to find out he's a douchenugget

What's the perfect Karma for this piece of shit.? A girl laughing at him saying and you thought those were razor burn bumps.

What an ass. I'm sorry OP that you had to go through that. I don't even know how I would deal with that. I would love to know if he had even tried (half-assed I'm sure) to pay part? Or if he had just assumed that you would. Because on a "first date" I try not to assume anything.

turn about is fair play....how many countless women do this all the time to men.... next time be smart either go dutch or pick a cheaper place. go to a relationship class and figure out why you're attracted to assholes