
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Australia - Melbourne

Today, I went to dinner with a guy I like and paid the $120 bill. After joking that he was an expensive date, he replied, "I'm laughing at how you think this is a date." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 133
You deserved it 6 525

Top comments

I apologize on behalf of all men for the behavior of that douche.

Don't even waste your time with him then. Make sure you collect his half of the bill too.


At least you're not the kind of person who expects the man to pay the entire bill.

If she wasn't suppose to think it was a date, why would OP foot the whole bill? I laugh at his lack of basic deduction skills. Unless, of course, he did it on purpose I'm which he would be a complete jackass.

Men having been doing this for how many centuries for women, paying for meals. Women say that just because men bought them dinner they don't deserve anything. That works both ways.

That's not analogous at all. The OP walked into a situation believing it was a date, paid for dinner because of that, and then it turned out not to be- there were false pretenses involved. A man paying for a date already knows that paying for the date doesn't entitle him to anything (unless he's a complete asshole), so there aren't any false pretenses.