Make the day about me!

By Anonymous - 21/08/2020 06:02 - United States - Roy

Today, at my wedding, my grandmother special requested a wheelchair, even though she doesn’t and never has needed any kind of assistance walking or standing at all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 169
You deserved it 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry but you have no idea how she feels or whether or not she's in pain. I'm confused as to why you're begrudging her a wheelchair if she wants one.

FHL (**** Her Life) for needing a wheelchair and having an ungrateful grandchild ...


bloopaloop 27

It’s for the pre-boarding.

Mathalamus 24

She probably plans to get shit-faced. Hopefully, she'll wait to get to the reception to start her binge-drinking.

I'm sorry but you have no idea how she feels or whether or not she's in pain. I'm confused as to why you're begrudging her a wheelchair if she wants one.

FHL (**** Her Life) for needing a wheelchair and having an ungrateful grandchild ...

I am a little puzzled. (1) If OP’s grandmother says she needs a wheelchair how is that a problem? (2) Most people who need wheelchairs have their own - Again how is this a problem? Princess, get over it. Most people will be looking at you and your husband, not your grandmother.

So? Then let her have one. How is that going to screw up your day/life? That's pathetically petty.

randybryant799 20

Are you kidding me? I've never used a wheelchair either but at a wedding I'd probably need to. You have no idea what kinds of pain she might be dealing with. Shame on you. And how does this even affect the wedding??