Craigslist time

By middleagednurse - 19/04/2022 02:00

Today, I tried to contact a support group for parents of mentally ill adult children, because I’m at the end of my rope. Turns out there are none in my area and if I want one I’ll have to start it myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 970
You deserved it 98

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mental health is no joke. You’re a strong person and a strong parent. And if I can make one suggestion: try seeing if there’s anything like that that can be done over Zoom.

If you build it, they will come. Seriously though, how do you think those other support groups got started? If you start one up you'll probably find that there are other people in the area who also need help. I know it probably sounds like a lot of work to start one yourself but it might even turn out to be good for you to have helped others as well as yourself.


Mental health is no joke. You’re a strong person and a strong parent. And if I can make one suggestion: try seeing if there’s anything like that that can be done over Zoom.

If you build it, they will come. Seriously though, how do you think those other support groups got started? If you start one up you'll probably find that there are other people in the area who also need help. I know it probably sounds like a lot of work to start one yourself but it might even turn out to be good for you to have helped others as well as yourself.

Marcella1016 31

Yep. And there’s probably a broad/national unifying body for these groups, and they can help you with starting a local chapter if you reach out to them. You could start off online (Reddit and Facebook groups come to mind) to find others who are interested, possibly find someone to lead the effort with you, organize and schedule your first meeting, and advertise it. Like the other person said, if you build it, they will come! I understand you probably have your hands full already with your adult child and the rest of real life - if starting a chapter isn’t for you, I’m positive you can find support groups that meet online. Good luck, and I hope your struggles get better!

Ok, then start one. Was that so difficult? Next question?