It's a gas gas gas

By annie - 16/02/2023 04:00

Today, I trusted a fart at work and, for the first time in my life, it did not come out silent. I have had a hell of a time explaining to people that I don’t fart loudly all the time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 281
You deserved it 754

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tiptoppc 19

After that, are you ok? Annie? Annie, are you ok? Are you ok, annie? You’ve been whipped by, loud wind-ensemble.

Were you thinking that if nobody hears a fart then no one will smell it?


tiptoppc 19

After that, are you ok? Annie? Annie, are you ok? Are you ok, annie? You’ve been whipped by, loud wind-ensemble.

Were you thinking that if nobody hears a fart then no one will smell it?

you do realize not everyone’s farts smell?

Reminds me of a very old joke about a person who apparently had a stopped up nose and a hearing problem… Just because you don’t smell it doesn’t mean others don’t.