Influencers know no bounds

By nope - 29/03/2020 14:00

Today, my wife and I got into a massive argument after she started a YouTube channel for our young daughter. I explained that I’m not comfortable with god knows who looking at our kid. Apparently, I’m just being paranoid. She’s already recorded our entire house, including my daughter's bedroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 026
You deserved it 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I do not blame you. try to see if you can report the channel on YouTube

Wow, so anyone who views that channel can not only know you've got a young daughter, but also the whole layout of your house. You are in the right. Take that channel down!


I do not blame you. try to see if you can report the channel on YouTube

Wow, so anyone who views that channel can not only know you've got a young daughter, but also the whole layout of your house. You are in the right. Take that channel down!

Didn't YT make a big fuss about this recently and are cracking down? You need to tell your wife that she can get the both if you in trouble.

Is your kid attractive? If she's fugly, you have no worries. Pedos have standards, too.

Ambrily 27

With this comment, you're reaching a new low, friend.

bloopaloop 27

People like your wife annoy me. Using their kids to try to become popular or make money... sounds like that's what she's doing. I despise the parents of Ryan's World because that's exactly what they're doing - exploiting their child.