Happy Halloween!

By 4evalone - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Monterey

Today, I was dressed as a single girl. I wore pajama pants, hoodie with no bra, and carried a plate of pizza around. But it wasn't my costume, I just had nowhere to go for Halloween. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 112
You deserved it 5 435

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That sounds like a pretty good night to me. I was never one for getting black out drunk with a huge group of friends. That, and I love pizza a little more than I should.

Mortoli 30

Yum pizza. You didn't save me any did you? Lol

I was dressed as a fast food worker who didn't get out of work until 1am :p I like yours better

ostfaiz 18

Same here, but I reheated some delightful seafood chowder instead. Being single means do whatever you want, OP. :)

You wasn't the only one :) well I wasn't a single girl but you get my point :P

as a single lady on holloween? you probably could have just asked someone to come over and be single with you. maybe even get some holloween giggity going

Scary how many people seem to walk around with plates of pizza. Personally I must say I prefer to sit and eat not just wander aimlessly.