Happy Halloween!

By 4evalone - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Monterey

Today, I was dressed as a single girl. I wore pajama pants, hoodie with no bra, and carried a plate of pizza around. But it wasn't my costume, I just had nowhere to go for Halloween. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 112
You deserved it 5 435

Top comments


Me everyday... At least on Halloween you have an excuse.

I hate to be a grammar Nazi like yourself, but an is always used before a word starting with a vowel.

Although it does also sometimes determine on how you pronounce the word (if you really want to be picky).

orbit 22

it sounds weird because you pronounce excuse as x cuse. It's just like a hour vs an hour. An hour sounds better because you pronounce it our.

"An hour" is grammatically correct because you pronounce it as having a vowel at the start. Just like you'd say "a one hundred percent chance..." because it is pronounced as having a consonant at the start.

A cheese pizza , just for me.- sorry you didn't have anything to do on Halloween. Sounds like you were going to have a good time all by yourself though.

We almost had the same costume! Except I was dressed up for a "date". I was supposed to be with a hot guy...he never came

Maybe he 'came' somewhere else. Sorry, couldn't pass up on that one.

ahippienamedrae 10

I don't see why you're complaining, you had pizza.

who cares, sounds like you had a great night!

Pajama pants? Sounds like you could have been a Walmart shopper too.

Especially being bra-less to complete the outfit!

uniformed 13

No bra nice should have told someone then u wouldn't be alone

RockinRandy 12