Happy for you, I guess…

By Anonymous - 15/01/2023 06:00

Today, I found out my friends were dating, which, OK, might seem normal. Unfortunately, I had this really big crush on this girl. I really admired her because she was a pianist and I was a violinist, and we often jammed together. I was gonna tell her, but before I could she told me she has a boyfriend now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 423
You deserved it 782

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You jammed "often" and you never had the balls to ask her out for coffee or dinner or drinks? If you had a chance with her, how do you think she felt about you never making a move?

You snooze you lose. If she was as talented as you say, you should have snapped her up. Learn from your mistake for next time.


You jammed "often" and you never had the balls to ask her out for coffee or dinner or drinks? If you had a chance with her, how do you think she felt about you never making a move?

i'd guess she felt "not at all", or _she_ would've made a move herself.

We still don't live in a society where women are allowed to do that. Things are improving, but it's far from an equitable state.

You snooze you lose. If she was as talented as you say, you should have snapped her up. Learn from your mistake for next time.

You probably wasted those earlier chances. One of the things we learn from life is to not waste an opportunity when it presents itself… On the other hand, my impression is that you and she are young. Young romance usually ends and then people move on to the next person that strikes their fancy. It’s possible your heart throb will be available again one of these days - or not… Learn from this to take appropriate chances at putting yourself forward with a person who interests you and you feel you have something in common with. But be aware that: … (a) Not every pairing works out even when we think they would be perfect… (b) There is more than one potential relationship match out there. There is no “one perfect person” except in your mind. There are multiple potential partners that you can love and who love you. Eventually you will find one that is good for you and vice versa.

ODBeefalo 10

sounds like a new relationship... so you could just tell her how you feel. either they feel the same and you did minimal damage if they break up, or she doesn't and you can move on...