Growing old

By Anonymous - 08/10/2021 19:00 - United States - Steele

Today, I'm officially stumped as to whether my mom has early-onset dementia, or if she just has plain bad memory. I've considered having her get tested, but I shudder to think that the person who brought me into this world won't recognize me in about two years if I'm right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 047
You deserved it 97

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do the test soon - if its dementia, they can help your mom. I know its not to be cured, but when they start early, they might eble to slow it a bit down. Best of luck to you!

Get your mother tested. I understand fearing the outcome, but you're being selfish.


Do the test soon - if its dementia, they can help your mom. I know its not to be cured, but when they start early, they might eble to slow it a bit down. Best of luck to you!

I would say there are a few research report on cannabis managing dementia symptoms that you can investigate

Good call. Avoiding testing will probably prevent dementia from happening, so she'll remember you forever. Ignorance is Strength.

Get your mother tested. I understand fearing the outcome, but you're being selfish.

If she has dementia, she won't recognize you if you get her tested or not. Might as well test her and remove the doubt.

Jump on her symptoms quickly, if it's dementia caused by things like hyperthyroidism or lack of nutrients and hydration, the symptoms can be reversed. Get her checked out immediately. Regardless of what it is, it can be treated well if it's done soon.

Xatraris 38

If it's dementia and you don't get her tested she may very well forget you in a couple years regardless.

Hey there I made an account just to reply to you. I’m a caregiver and you should absolutely have her tested if you think she does, because if she does have dementia it can be really dangerous for her to be alone. If you get her tested her dr. Can give her meds that can potentially make it better . Yes it is sad that our loved ones may not remember us, but it would be really beneficial if you have her test. It can occur that they’ll forget loved ones but I’ve also worked with several people with severe dementia and they do remember their loved one. I hope with helps you