Gross and weird

By Porkchop - 14/11/2021 23:00

Today, I had to explain to my girlfriend that it’s weird to defecate into your hand and throw it from the shower into the toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 610
You deserved it 105

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Are you dating a chimpanzee? It is weird and disturbing. How can you not get distracted when she gives you a hand job? You need to... ... wait on it ... "dump" her.


Are you dating a chimpanzee? It is weird and disturbing. How can you not get distracted when she gives you a hand job? You need to... ... wait on it ... "dump" her.

Aiden89 23

And you found out how? She did this while you were in the same room?

2deployments1divorce 11

Probably got a face full of poo while setting on the toilet lol

It’s not weird, it’s freaking disgusting

Unless that’s your kink, dude! Run a fricken mile faster than usain bolt!

He's a sprinter. He'd kick ass for the first 200m, but then he'd walk the next 1400 or so.

Deuce in the shower and mash it down the drain with your foot. As shared by Adam Carolla.