Get back here

By Anonymous - 17/05/2009 13:21 - United States

Today, I was in the dressing room of my favorite store. While looking in the mirror at a shirt I really like, the fire alarm went off. In a panic, I ran out of the store like everyone else. The sensor went off on my shirt and I was banned from the store for attempted theft. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 658
You deserved it 4 835

Same thing different taste

Top comments

0hh_snap 0

That's crap. I would be so mad.

tell the manager what happened, im sure he'll understand. if he doesnt, online store?


chroniclurker 0

As everyone is saying, you definitely have a case. It was a fire alarm; I do believe it is illegal to disregard one.

crazygreen 0

You should explain what happened! I'd probably run too

Osakhomen 0

I mean, did you run out of the store and just start running/walking off into the street/mall/where the outside was. I mean, if not, there is def o reason from them to believe you stole anything.

wittletwish 0

I would have ran as well. Find a new place to shop. You did nothing wrong... I was a cop for 6 years, and I would never have taken that as an attempted theft. How stupid. Good luck!

If you returned the shirt when u walked back in the manager's a retard!

xfaithofangelx 0

they shouldnt have done that! explain to the manager because thats ridiculous! im sure anyone would have done that!

They wanted you to die. Its simple micro and macro-economics

On the bright side, maybe u looked so hot in the shirt u made the fire alarm go off!

FAKE you would of defended yourself if it was real