**** off

By guessnot - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Canada - Toronto

Today, the guy that I've liked for a while but never had the courage to talk to was wearing a TARDIS shirt. I jokingly asked, "Are you the Doctor?" His response was for me to "Go away, f***ing nerd." FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 706
You deserved it 4 756

Top comments

You should of punched him in his sonic screwdriver...

The irony of this FML is overwhelming...


mufasa1026 6

I' beat his ass!!! Wearing a TARDIS t-shirt and saying that!!! The Doctor would hit upside the head.

madgrinchhatter 12

Why the **** was he wearing the shirt? This is like the FML about the girl wearing the Nirvana shirt because she liked the smiley face.

I know that feel, fellow Whovian. Poser nerds.

I would have proposed to you right there. Very few questions asked.

andthepennydrops 6

not worth your time...if he was a true whovian, he wouldn't be such a moron. Wait for him to regenerate, or find another.

PhishloverA 14

You're better off without him anyway. You don't want to have a crush on or be with a guy that doesn't know how to talk to women

I will be yelled at for this,but what's Tardis?

Time And Relative Dimensions In Space. It's a Police Box that is bigger on the inside. Watch Doctor Who. It's a life changing experience.

First off, what a douche Second, such a poser & third, you deserve better. (Nerds ROck)