Forget it

By Anonymous - 02/06/2009 20:51 - United States

Today, I was on the phone with my best guy friend, who I have loved for years. I was talking about school and all of a sudden he said, "I love you." I flipped out saying, "Oh my god, oh my god. I love you too!" He responded with, "What?" He was talking to his mom, who was walking out the door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 174
You deserved it 17 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pretend you were joking to play it off.

AliMarie 0

Boys don't normally say "I love you" out of the blue like that.


Eastcoastballerz 0
sunray 0

i don't think your life is f***ed...because at least now he knows! :)

whom, you mean "whom I have loved for years" and lol...

urlifeisraped 0
mattiga 0

Ouch, that can be rough losing your best guy friend in that type of accident fyl

pyro261 0

rip off of seventeen magazine . fail .