Brain freeze

By Anonymous - 02/06/2009 23:13 - United States

Today, I was working my job as a waitress near my college. I handed a customer her check, and she noticed that I had added her bill wrong. I apologized, and she pointed to my "student" labeled nametag, asking what I was studying. I said English. I'm a math major. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 122
You deserved it 47 089

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LOL I'm great at calc but not at math in my head. It could happen to anyone :)


LOL I'm great at calc but not at math in my head. It could happen to anyone :)

R3TH0R 0

well... you gave english majors' stereotypes an even worse name... but YDI for freaking out over it; if everyone was perfect we wouldnt need governments/law enforcement/a higher power telling us what's right/wrong but still FYI for screwing up simple math

OP never said she freaked out over it. She just told a little white lie. No big deal.

newlife_fml 0

That's kinda not a big deal calm down

Wtg douche. Don't lie about your major to make yourself "sound better." Just goes to show how much of loner you really are.

reallytho3 11

Whoa dude its not that serious....

i don't think she was saying english majors are idiots it sounds like she just chose any other major that wasn't math.