First date, and probably the last

By DrunkGirl - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - France

Today, I went on a date with an awesome guy. I got super hammered and punched him in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 773
You deserved it 63 359

Top comments

If you had an awesome date.. then why did you need to get super hammered? It's your own fault, so no I don't feel sorry for you.... just for him

Man, I would love a super hammer-hand to punch my dates with.


if he was so "awesome", why did you feel the need to get hammered?

invisiblerabbit 0

i thought gay people were peaceful and docile. ydi for rubbing your **** on his.

sounds like hes the one that got hammered..

yourkiddingright_fml 0

You have an alcohol problem! You may want to do something about it.

Wait a second.... a guy posted how he went on a date with a hot chick. That she got drunk. And punched him in the face... HOW RANDOM!

So you punch him in the face and it is **** YOUR life? lol, YDI and FHL

Hey #30 correction: thats wat he gets for waking up i vagas!

I laughed, I really did. I shouldn't have... But I did. FHL, not yours