Family! Woohoo!

By Abandoned - 15/02/2010 07:28 - United States

Today, our family went out to a restaurant at night. My cousin and I needed to go to the restroom, so we told everyone before going. Less than three minutes later, we came out to find them gone, along with the cars. They forgot about their own kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 893
You deserved it 2 454

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAndrea 0

You sure they forgot? Haha. :)

ha! that makes me laugh. at least u werent alone


Wow...I hope you two wore shoes wore great walking shoes!

that would actually be really fun, since you were with your cousin. alone, that would suck

BSR and Mercy Why so serious? ;) i love you guys

3 minutes? Talk about a quickie! /WINcest

Maybe you just get on your family's nerves...? It's quite normal.

Hahaha something like that happened to me, except I left them, I was in Hawaii and I wanted to go to a pier and I ended up getting lost. And for all you people who only write bad comments, I was 6 years old, it was my first trip there, I wanted to see the seals

lovin_darkness 0

epic fail scale: parents: 1,000,000,000 kids: 0 PARENTS LOSE!!!!!!!!!!!

Deniise4395 0

ha my parents have done that too