Easily distracted

By Jeanine - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I returned to my apartment to find everything reduced to ashes, hidden in black clouds of smoke. Turns out there was a blackout, and my fiancé lit a candle on top of a stack of all our wedding papers. When he smelled the smoke, he got hungry for a taco and left instead of calling 911. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 342
You deserved it 5 816

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And you want to marry someone so absent minded?


lovelyxo 0

yeah, um #32 shut the **** up. the only reason you probaby think that is because you're an asshole which makes people act like assholes to you. and if every female is an asshole...have you ever even talked to a girl?? you sound like a bitter jackass who lives with his mom. OP: give the guy a break but I would consider if you want him to be in charge of kids

#66 not everyone in the world wants to have kids...especially if they're married to such a child. Although, when the craving for a taco strikes......

#66: If you had noticed, #32 was responding to #7 sarcastically by purposefully throwing out an incorrect stereotype. You sound like you're about 15 years old, and don't have a clue about anything around you. Shut up, and don't ever post again, please.

FYL - dump him and make him pay for ur charred ish!

randomdude1234 0

#7 WTF, you sexist pig. Cuz one guy did something stupid, all guys are stupid. Your probably a racist too. Omg all black people kill their wives because OJ did it. Go get some common sense and then post.

ssnickel 0

I'm having an extremely difficult time believing this.

# 39, as IF you hate tacos. jeeeez, you must be crazy. tacos are the best thing ever made. just throwing that out there (:

I've never called Shenanigans on an FML before, but there are too many holes in this one to be completely true. :|.

Sakura_san 0

Hahaha...what an idiot. But I mean...now you'll have to be the smart one. ;) Hahaha...too funny though. Taco, or Fire..? ..... Taco. Bahaha...just like any other male. ;) Just kidding~. I'm sure all males aren't that stupid. ... I hope.

DarkMirror 0

Please don't breed with him.