Easily distracted

By Jeanine - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I returned to my apartment to find everything reduced to ashes, hidden in black clouds of smoke. Turns out there was a blackout, and my fiancé lit a candle on top of a stack of all our wedding papers. When he smelled the smoke, he got hungry for a taco and left instead of calling 911. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 341
You deserved it 5 816

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And you want to marry someone so absent minded?


I'm with #75, don't let him have any offspring....

wtf. is this guy . . . healthy? lol. that sucks anyways.

calicokitea 0

Wow.... I'd probably be to the point of breaking it off with him, but asides from that, I am really and truly sorry that this happened to you.

i'm assuming you've decided to dump him and find someone a bit more responsible?

Taco Bell is pretty hard to resist.

thenmymomgotajob 0

YDI for being with such an oblivious idiot.

cattoe7 0

hmmm so he seems nice.. ? lol i hope you don't speak to him ever again.. or if possible have him placed in a nice brick building that can help him.. it sounds like he didn't come back to reality after all those acid trips..