Easily distracted

By Jeanine - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I returned to my apartment to find everything reduced to ashes, hidden in black clouds of smoke. Turns out there was a blackout, and my fiancé lit a candle on top of a stack of all our wedding papers. When he smelled the smoke, he got hungry for a taco and left instead of calling 911. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 342
You deserved it 5 816

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And you want to marry someone so absent minded?


SturmFireforge 0

Smart man; tacos are amazing.

I have a feeling that there is like a sale or something at the restaurant where they sell tacos... something like 'Burn your house down and get a 50% discount on all tacos!!!' 

divorcing him should be easier now since he torched your wedding documents!

Olly_fml 3

Wow.... just.... wow. Seriously how ******* stupid can you be. Someone obviously doesn't pay attention to real world situations. I wonder if someone like that when stubbing his toe giggles with joy.

I don't get why so many think dumping him is such a good idea. have these people never been in a real relationship? keep the dumb ass. everybody deserves more than one chance ;)

He burned their f**king house down over a TACO. The guy is a damn fool.

This truly is horrible, however, I can't help but wonder, was he STONED?! sheesh. Munchies much? I can totally see a hardcore stoner doing something that brainless.

I'm sorry, but I just can't believe this. I do not think ANYONE is that fricking stupid.