Desperate times, desperate measures

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my family made a fake boyfriend for me on Facebook, since it's been so long since I had one. I accepted the relationship request to try and trick people into thinking I actually had a boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 041
You deserved it 29 971

Top comments

puppypuncher 5

Says the guy posing shirtless.


ImSoEffedUp 10

Wow.... That is sad, u need to get out more or sumthin.... Try a dating service or sumthin.... There's someone out there for everyone, u just haven't found yours yet... Wit that being said... YOU SHOULD START LOOKING, LIKE NOW....IF NOT YESTERDAY!

What's sad is your butchery of the English language.

That is illegal. Making up a name on facebook is 5 years jail time. Lol.

Hmm, what's the word for that again...? Oh right, pathetic.

People are so full of themselves. Honestly, no one pays attention to every single detail about others, and people don't notice about your 'negative' qualities or situation as much as you do. I don't know OP but I can say without a doubt that none of her friends cares about whether or not she has a BF or bothers to keep a record of how long she's been single.

Maybe I am slow this morning, but how does this help you in any way? Your parents made you a pity boyfriend? How does that not make you feel worse. Like I said very possible I am just slow today, but gosh are they gonna throw you a fake wedding eventually. I will say what I often say get off the electronics and out of the house. If you find a fake boyfriend in Facebook acceptable you spend way too much time on it.

perdix 29

It pays to advertise! Maybe some real guys will wonder what the fake boyfriend sees in you. I used to pull this trick when I went to lame parties -- I'd start hitting on some ugly girl just to see how many hound dogs would try to come over and horn in on my sweet action. Invariably, they'd descend on the unfortunate maiden like flies and I'd depart, and they'd be stuck with the ugly cow! Your family knows how dudes work better than you do.

So is it your mom or dad that's messaging you dirty little secrets from this account? ;)

No one cares whether you have a boyfriend or not. I know many people who are actually IN relationships who shouldn't be. It doesn't validate who you are as a person one way or another. You'll eventually get one when you stop being so concerned about the way others view you. Grow up.

It would be one thing if people know it was a joke, but if they find out he's fake and you were going along with it, it may hurt your chances of ever getting a date... Have fun while youre single. I love my husband and having him, but I had a blast when I was single....

friedbunnies 9

It's pathetic enough when people secretly do this, but for the whole family to get involved? OP you might want to stock up on cat food...

Ins0mau 20

I think 34 is referring to the OP's future as a "crazy cat lady".