Dear Prudish

By Anonymous - 04/01/2022 01:59

Today, I got a job with a filmmaking company, turned up on my first day, and now I know why I'd never heard of the company before. Porn. They were making porn, all kinds of disgusting porn. I quit so fast I was barely even there. This was the only job offer I’ve had since graduation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 798
You deserved it 9 082

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Isn't it better that it's disgusting ****? If you don't like it, you can focus on your work. If it were hot ****, you'd get distracted and have unprofessional boners. Only the talent gets to have professional boners.

You can still earn the hours you need to be accepted into a union working on a **** set. Once your in a union you’ll be able to find regular set work far easier. I can’t count how many fellow film workers have done this.


randybryant799 20

And it never occurred to you to Google this company before you took the job? And I don't think **** is gonna kill you.

You can still earn the hours you need to be accepted into a union working on a **** set. Once your in a union you’ll be able to find regular set work far easier. I can’t count how many fellow film workers have done this.

Isn't it better that it's disgusting ****? If you don't like it, you can focus on your work. If it were hot ****, you'd get distracted and have unprofessional boners. Only the talent gets to have professional boners.

Professional Boners sounds like a new band name...

Nhayaa2.0 17

Art is a dirty job but somebody's gotta do it.

But you may get to meet Stormy Daniels.

TomeDr 24

Gonna get downvoted but… good for you for having morals. BUT unfortunately YDI for not researching the company first.

Wadlaen 23

You could have been a star! You'll probably never get this chance again. That's what you get for being picky...

Glitterbaby2613 20