Creaky floorboards

By wtf?? - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Today, my bed fell through my floor. With me on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 297
You deserved it 3 674

Top comments


Oh gosh I hope you weren't badly hurt.

Poor boogy man he's flatter then a pancake RIP

baxwar 15

That is my greatest fear But I live in a one story so I don't have to worry

No lie that has been my greatest fear, since I live on a second floor of an really old apartment.

I wanna know what kind of design and supports your room had, if it was done by code it should have never happened.

jcshadow 16

That happened to me I ended up outside under the house!