Alexa, play "Isolation" by Joy Division

By Anonymous - 07/04/2022 02:00

Today, I woke up to my mum on the phone telling her boss that she'd tested positive for Covid, which means I can’t see my girlfriend before she moves 6 hours away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 993
You deserved it 111

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mom was probably lying to get out of work. Covid is the best illness to fake for getting out of work since "food poisoning."

pandaandthepitty 12

I used the excuse that I was exposed to get two weeks off in the middle of it because I was being extremely overworked. She might be in the same boat, since people still aren't working like they used to.


If she’s moving 6 hours away it’s safe to say it’s over

Your mom was probably lying to get out of work. Covid is the best illness to fake for getting out of work since "food poisoning."

pandaandthepitty 12

I used the excuse that I was exposed to get two weeks off in the middle of it because I was being extremely overworked. She might be in the same boat, since people still aren't working like they used to.