
By Anonymous - 17/11/2015 10:20 - United States - Hialeah

Today, my friend was complaining about about her new boyfriend. Playing around, I told her that he sounded a lot like my ex. He is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 708
You deserved it 2 342

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Really all I can say is get over it. Not meaning it in a mean way but he's your EX for reason. He can date who he wants just as you can. Fyl at the same time tho since your being seeing him.


in what way is this an fml? he is no longer your problem. it's more like fyfl.

your friend just broke first rule of girl code. never date or sleep with a friends ex anything.

buymevickis92 26

I really couldn't date my friends ex. It just seems so weird. Sorry to read this OP.

Xandrick 22

FYL indeed. :-/ Though I do have to say something on the matter of the "guy code" / "girl code". I honestly don't believe in the whole "don't date your friend's ex" thing, as that might stop two people who are truly compatible with one another from being together. I mean, okay, give your friend some time first to get over his/her ex, but after that, it should be free game. If two people are broken up, then that's it. They each no longer have any say on the other's personal life. Though if she's complaining about the guy, seems he's not just bad for you but probably bad all around...

Keeping it close to home...and it looks like it won't last

Nothing more annoying than having you exes new girlfriends call you to vent. It's like you're still dealing with his bs!

shortcake18 15

I think if she was really your friend she would have talked to you before hand because the way you found out is just wrong sorry op

writergirl1029 17

Aca-awkward. If it's a new relationship and she's already complaining, then I give it a short lifespan. Then you two can both joke about him.