Clout chasing

By Samantha - 31/05/2009 12:44 - Singapore

Today, I turned 22. Instead of cutting my own cake, I stood by and smiled at a friend's belated birthday party. Her birthday was actually two months ago, but she decided to have her party on my birthday. No one remembered mine but everyone got her beautiful gifts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 003
You deserved it 5 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

spidergirl41 0

haha that must suck. Go buy yourself a happy birthday to me cake, take a picture of itself and send it to everyone so they feel sorry for you and buy you stuff

that_one_dude 0

I would be pissed if that happend.


You get FML points for this, a legit post. That blows. You also get double points, redeemable at the FML store (good luck finagling that...) for standing by politely instead of making a scene about your friends forgetting your day. That blows. Happy belated birthday. :(

/agree with everyone who said you should have said something when you heard about the date.

you need to get a voice. organise yourself better, and don't let a friend dominate you like that. obviously no one knows when your birthdy is........

Allord 0

YDI for not saying anything

Happy Birthday!!! That really sucks...I would've said something regardless, cause thats stupid. My best friend at the time, and a few other people didn't come to my birthday party one year. Although, I told them all 2 months in advance. And my best friend, every year, still manages to come up with the same excuse, even when I've had my party on a different day than my actual birthday...

Aww! That really sucks :[ & I can see why you wouldn't have said anything but for next year make sure you mention it a few weeks in adance to avoid disappointment. Happy Birthday anyway :D

HappyPappy 0

So...your friend had her birthday two months ago and decided to have a party on your birthday. People bought her gifts...meaning they didn't buy her gifts on her birthday because they probably forgot because no one remembers people's birthdays. So your friend is smart and decided to have a party to jog people's memories and you're a whiny brat who is too cheap to throw her own party and would rather complain about how awful her friends.

FreedomFirst 0

I say YDI, not because it was fair but because you have to stand up for yourself better than that. I hate people who lay down and make doormats of themselves, then moan and cry because they get stepped on. Get off your butt and throw yourself a party if you want one that bad!

Hugsy_Bear 0

Hey hey ... don't feel too bad.....this bear is giving u a cake and free hugs —————–()—()—()—()—() —————–||—||—||—||—|| ————–{*~*~*~*~*~*~*} ———@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ——–{~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~} —@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ —{~*~*~*~*~HAPPY~*~*~*~*~*~} —{~*~*~*~~ BIRTHDAY! ~~*~~*~*} —{~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*} —@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@