
By Anonymous - 18/05/2009 04:48 - United States

Today, I celebrated my birthday with my family. As part of my presents, my parents gave me prepaid debit card. When I got home, I looked at it again and realized it's the debit card you get from selling back books to our university bookstore. I bought my own books this year. They gave me my own refund. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 700
You deserved it 2 914

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is it just me, or are parents getting cheaper and cheaper these days?

My mom got me nothing for my B-Day. Many kids have to pay for their own schooling. It's really not a big deal though. I don't understand why they tried to pass it off as a gift though. Are they crazy?


Kitty34_fml 0

I really doubt this happened.

beebeeL 1

lmao , they @ least coulda gave yu a real one w/ like 10$ or something . lol .

lilcuti3pi389 0

thats not that big of a deal really

justxdream 0

well, happy birthday anyway! :)

You said "As part of my presents..." which I take to mean you got more than that. My parents do this all the time, put stuff like that in with the presents I already got from them, and I never get upset. With that comment, they clearly got you more than that. No sympathy here, no FYL, this is just greedy and entitled whining.

As part of your presents.. meaning you got more than a few. Get over it.

ManganeseDream 0

The deception is lame, but you shouldn't really expect crazy ass gifts anymore after your 18th birthday except from MAYBE your spouse. Any exceptions should be profusely appreciated.

Books cost a lot... They're basically giving you money. That's good.. why is that a FML?

Because OP paid for the books as well. Read the FML before you complain you don't understand it.

rakhil11 7

i'm glad i still have some time b4 my parents start giving me crap presents...@ the moment, i get itunes gift cards, which is just as i like it....

calicokitea 0

How were they able to return your books? How did they GET your books? Most universities require the original receipt.