Food for thought

By Whatthehell - 18/06/2022 04:00

Today, my girlfriend is mentally unhinged. She had a full on temper tantrum and ranted about healthy eating, and how she’s “fat” and needs to lose 30 pounds, all because I suggested Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner. She stormed out of the house. I later ran into her at a local pizza place, devouring a pizza. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 285
You deserved it 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it sounds like she may have an eating disorder and needs help

AzraelAngelus 15

I suggest breaking up with her and moving on because she isn’t likely to get help


AzraelAngelus 15

I suggest breaking up with her and moving on because she isn’t likely to get help

it sounds like she may have an eating disorder and needs help

You think she's fat now, just wait and see what happens if you marry her. Dump her. Your #1 reason? Not sharing the pizza.

Sounds like she isn’t coping very well with her weight issues. It’s a lot easier to blame someone else than to actually take control of your own diet. My wife is on WW and while on that program you can technically eat anything, food points now means less food points later. I have figured out the kinds of foods she feels comfortable having at a restaurant and instead of suggesting a single specific restaurant I give her a choice of 2 or 3 that I am interested in and I think she would eat at. I have also always insisted that she place her own order (nothing to do with who pays) so I’m at no risk of becoming part of the drama… Don’t try to either fix or actively sabotage girlfriend’s eating issues. Either accept her as she is or move on if she’s not worth the drama. And by the way, a person with an eating problem will most likely slowly but very steadily pack on the pounds once they feel they no longer have to be part of the dating situation - That applies to men and women.