Cautionary tale

By jogginglikeitsmyjob - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Boston

Today, I had trouble carrying a box upstairs because my arms were sore from working out. My mom asked me, "Why are you working out so much then?" I didn't have the heart to tell her it was because of her 100-pound weight gain and that I didn't want to end up looking like her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 466
You deserved it 7 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could always help her out by suggesting stuff that seems fun but actually helps her loose weight. Sorry though.


daydreamer244 13

Just make her your workout buddy! :)

Great motivation for you OP, but also good to spare your mom that kind of commentary. She may already want to lose weight, but either way not need that kind of blow

Vanessa_Leeann26 17

You should help her if she just recently gained that much weight. There most likely is an underlying problem, but in regards to yourself, I wouldn't worry about it. My mother is obese and everyone kept telling me that it runs in my genes and that I would be big. I'm almost 32, have had two kids and I'm not obese. Even without much exercise or diet.

heavy weights, less reps. and protein. eggs in the morning, protein shake for lunch, rurkey/meats in the evening. post work put preferably. and don't be ashamed to start with low weights. you do what you are able to do. It helped me in the long run

With all due respect, I really don't see OP (or anyone else) asking for exercise routines and / or diet plans as the FML is focused on the overweight mother and not fatigue :|

It doesn't hurt to give out pointers. I was also weak until I worked on it. The way I see it you have two options, either sulk and cry or get proactive and improve. If you're about mediocrity that's you but soñé people are out there to better themselves

Yeah... once again, missed the point. And my opinion on your irrelevant comment makes me mediocre by default, eh? Poor me.

graphicstyle7 17

As someone who has struggled all her life with weight, I'd have to say (and feel a bit guilty about it) that's a pretty good motive. You feel how you feel. You were considerate of her feelings and did not say it, though. Nope, I don't want to gain back the weight I lost and look like some people either. They are not bad people, but there is a difference in your life when you weigh quite a bit more than you should.

I think it would help if you tried her to exercise more than just letting her gain weight

lessleemc 3

That is just plain rude. I'm sure your mother raised you better then that. Karma is a bitch and so r u. Hope u r ready for whatever is coming your way. it's people like u that make this world such a pleasant place to live.

magnetic_aura 26

Try getting her to exercise with you. It can be fun having a work out buddy.