Cautionary tale

By jogginglikeitsmyjob - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Boston

Today, I had trouble carrying a box upstairs because my arms were sore from working out. My mom asked me, "Why are you working out so much then?" I didn't have the heart to tell her it was because of her 100-pound weight gain and that I didn't want to end up looking like her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 466
You deserved it 7 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could always help her out by suggesting stuff that seems fun but actually helps her loose weight. Sorry though.


Yell get maybe she realizes she has to do something about it

jamescrazy96 17

Going for walks is a good easy way to stay healthy and will give you two am opportunity to talk about other things.

Vanshikap 24

Love the name u picked OP. Maybe confront ur mom about her weight gain and offer to help her out, whatever she's doing it can't be good.

Ah parents: We can always count on them to teach us us who we DON'T want to be.

I know the feeling. Maybe you should confront her, or maybe let her work it out for herself. Whatever you think would be best.