
By Anonymous - 09/07/2009 16:27 - France

Today, my boss walked in my office to see me busy making a little Post-it dress for my pen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 101
You deserved it 56 862

Same thing different taste

Top comments

boilerup 0

Next time make a post-it dress for your person.. That would be PIMP!


Those are the best. I don't blame you. One of the few reasons I have the hardest times studying.

Ribb0ns 0

HAHAHA!!! That made my day a little better. Thanks for the laugh. :]

ohxberlin 0

hahahahha. AWESOME. your boss was probably thinking "she does it too!"

Its better than building a whole town out of them, no?

_riot_ 0

when i was little i named my writing utinsils

calicalicali42 0