Biker troubles

By Crotch_Rocket_Rider - 06/10/2009 17:33 - United States

Today, when approaching a stop light on my motorcycle, I went to extend my left leg as usual to balance when stopped. Apparently my shoelace loop got wrapped around the shift lever and "tied" my shoe to the bike. It's hard to look cool when you fall over for no apparent reason at a stoplight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 686
You deserved it 7 725

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pancakes_n_syrup 0

Well at least you tried... I would have just watched and said FHL to the person inside

...You ride crotch rockets? Or should I dig my mind out of the gutter? Anyway... Pictured this and laughed hard.


Bullshet 0

59: The only one who's a dumbass here is you cleverly going down a list and calling everything gay without even saying why. You're probably just pissed that you'll never even make enough money in your life to afford one if you wanted. Instead of getting all bent out of shape about my typos, try doing something productive and go play in traffic with your little sport toy.

You pay all that $ for a nice bike but don't buy proper riding gear? WTF? Shoes??? You're asking to get hurt. Idiot...

slaoN_810 0

haha you wouldnt look cool anyways wearing shoes on a motorcycle.

And this is why you either wear bikeboots or put your shoelaces in your shoes. Total fail and only possible in the USA...

don't worry that happened to me too ha ha

Well look at it this way, you already looked pretty douche-y the minute you got on a crotch rocket (seriously, why are they even considered to be motorcycles?) Plus, you decided to wear sneakers or some other kind of laced shoe, so that made you look even more douche-y. By the time you fell down, you already failed so much at your attempt to look cool that you were a lost cause. Get better riding gear...and get a better bike.

middaydelusion5 0

HAHA.......i would have thought that was the coolest thing i've ever seen. i love clumsy guys...

Man, I thought I'm the only one who's ever done that.

Heellooooo, you're supposed to wear BOOTS when you ride. DUH. I don't even ride a bike and *I* know that. Moron.