Best buds

By anonymous - 23/01/2012 15:59 - United States

Today, my girlfriend told me we've just been fuck buddies for the entire year we've been "together." This wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't working up the courage to propose to her on our anniversary. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 014
You deserved it 5 141

Same thing different taste

Top comments

138 - "been married for almost a year and have a 6 month old daughter" Your oh so long marriage record AND the fact that you were pregnant AT LEAST 3 months before you got married CLEARLY shows that you are the *perfect* person to give advice on this subject!


You remember the moment when you said "I love you", and her reply was "I love your dick inside me"? Yeah, should've realized something at that point.

man that's what happens when you become a afc

chels1994 11

So many things wrong with this

xxmel 6

You can still propose. Propose that you should break up !

FatSack 0

Well if they technically were never together, how do you suppose he "break up" with her? Lol

xxmel 6

I mean obviously they had some sort of relationship. Whether it be just ******* or not, he should just stop seeing her.

It's ok! She just made it easier. Instead of proposing marriage. Now you just propose your DICK!!

If a girl wants you to propose, she will let you know. Don't worry, we're not quiet about that kind of thing.

BadSuerte 0

Aw that sucks buddy..but at least she saved you from regret. It just shows how shallow some people can be. Best of luck(:

tbonesgurl 0

Omfg!! That's so fckn sad man!!