Bad women's anatomy

By RazorBumps - 16/12/2009 05:15 - United States

Today, my boyfriend asked me why I have "crotch acne". When I attempted to explain that I have razor bumps from shaving, he got mad and said I was lying and insecure about my obvious facial and bodily acne problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 088
You deserved it 3 501

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ouch! i hate that, steal his shaving cream, use moisturiser and don't scratch :) What an idiot though...wait to **** block himself!

baby_gurl2405 0

haha stop shaving and let him see what happens then :P


blacklite69 0

uhhh... its called bikinizone. get some?

Your boyfriend is a douche. Be sure to shave in little strokes, not long ones. If not, wax that bugger.

wow...sorry but go get waxed. problem solved.

Yeah, if I was a girl I think I'd wax myself. It may hurt more, but it looks much better and lasts much longer and won't itch. :)

Nope, it itches when it grows back. It actually isn't that painful though. Well, it is, but only for like two seconds and then it's done. Plus, you have to let the hair grow out between waxes or it won't work.

Oh, jeez.... Firstly, I'd get that new Nair stuff that's supposed to end razor bumps... then I'd dump his ass.

Girlhomie1o1 16

Grab him, shave him down, and see how his "bodily acne" looks. heh heh >:D

77- she meant you didn't grow up hairfree..