Baby fever

By Anonymous - 09/06/2021 14:02

Today, it's the fifth long-term boyfriend I’ve dumped because I want to be a mother but they didn’t want to be fathers. In fact, the last one laughed in my face and told me he’d be willing to get a cat, because cats require less effort than dogs, and don’t interrupt his PS4 time after work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 896
You deserved it 485

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not all men want kids. Before I got married the first time, I always told girlfriends I don’t want kids, and many of the women told me it wouldn’t work out, and I totally understood. You should have mentioned that you wanted to have kids before the men became “long term”

This. As a woman who never wants kids, this is definitely a 'make it or break it' thing that you discuss on the first date. No point in getting invested if your life goals don't align.


first let potential mates know that you want a family but also most men nowadays feel they do not want to be trapped by children and child support

Not all men want kids. Before I got married the first time, I always told girlfriends I don’t want kids, and many of the women told me it wouldn’t work out, and I totally understood. You should have mentioned that you wanted to have kids before the men became “long term”

This. As a woman who never wants kids, this is definitely a 'make it or break it' thing that you discuss on the first date. No point in getting invested if your life goals don't align.

julfunky 29

Exactly. Me and my boyfriend made it clear before we were even official.

That is unfortunate and I think the best thing to do is simply let your intentions be known from the beginning. Perhaps also an evaluation as to the type of men you’re dating could help, maybe they’re all too young or just red flags in general that point to less mature/stable suitors.

Yummi_913 18

When you first start dating someone the topic of kids needs to come up early (which you probably already know). Even if it could scare them off. I know a lot of people say "I'd like to have kids SOME DAY" but that's not really getting the point across because a lot of men will take that as "okay so when you're 35+, that's no big deal". Some of them even think 40's+ because they have no concept of our biological clock. When in reality you're aiming for late 20's or earlier. So next time be more blunt and upfront maybe? I told my current partner when we decided to date "I want kids by 25 so tell me if you're on board or if I would be wasting my future on you". It scared him silly but we continued on the topic and he pretty much understood that this was NOT something anyone was going to manipulate me out of after dating a bit, and that they're either a match for me or they need to get lost. I really drove home the "if you don't want kids BY THIS AGE RANGE we are not a match and will not be dating". We only have one short life to live and there's no use wasting it on someone who doesn't intend to take yours seriously in the first place. Side note: don't be so in a hurry to have kids that you have them with someone you barely know. They could end up being abusive, neglectful, or dangerous around children. A lot of the time it's a giant red flag when a guy is willing to have kids right off the bat. I've seen this happen to people and it doesn't end well. Having a GOOD home for your children is just as, if not more important, as having them in the first place!

Can’t be mad not everyone wants to have kids I especially don’t want to get married or have kids either

that sucks sorry OP and as a cat dad, they absolutely invade gaming time

When you're playing DBD and they suddenly decide they need to sit RIGHT THERE on the desktop...

Well stop picking up men at the vasectomy clinic then.

JosephFDawson 7

Dude's got his priorities straight. I mean Resident Evil Village just came out. 🤷🏻

Cats totally interrupt gaming. Mine do it all the time. Sitting on the controller, trying to catch the moving things on the tv so I can’t see, stepping on the remote and switching the input by accident so I die in the middle of a boss fight, getting into stuff they’re not supposed to so I have to drop everything and run after them... that guy needs to get a clue. Lol