By Jim - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff

Today, during PE, I got hit in the face with the ball. Everyone cheered because we got 5 extra points. No one asked if I was okay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 877
You deserved it 4 380

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But if OP is a girl called Jim, that's pretty horrible anyway.

it's called taking a hit for the team. Good job 8)


Wow this reminds me of the time I was in gym in high school and got hit in the face by a kickball. It hurt like no other and started swelling immediately. Half my classmates laughed at me, and no one bothered to make sure I was okay. FYL, OP. :(

in gym i tried to catch a ball and failed but the ball skimmed my fingers while i jumped setting me off balanced and towards the floor. no one helped me up after i was knocked out for a few seconds, i got up and saw the game continuing without me. we still lost. i'm also a girl.

YDI for not getting out of the damn way

mxij 13

How inconsiderate! In my school the thrower is out if they hit you in the face

I feel your pain. That happened to me too.