Almost there

By Anonymous - 20/06/2020 05:05

Today, I paid 100$ for a trash service to pick up my broken couch. Minutes later, I got an email from someone finally replying to my ad for a free couch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 523
You deserved it 199

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bloopaloop 27

You’re supposed to “sell” it for $50 and leave it on your front yard. Then someone will take it for free.

You got scammed for $100,an entire trailer load of material at the dump usually costs $40 cad dropping it off yourself at the dump probably would have cost $5 if not free, some dumps have rules on whats considered household waste. roommates family threw out a couch in a "low income housing neighborhood"-needless to say it was outside half an hour before kids set it on fire,garbage truck took the frame.


bloopaloop 27

You’re supposed to “sell” it for $50 and leave it on your front yard. Then someone will take it for free.

So, instead of making $0.00, you made -$100.00. You're quite the businesswoman!

You got scammed for $100,an entire trailer load of material at the dump usually costs $40 cad dropping it off yourself at the dump probably would have cost $5 if not free, some dumps have rules on whats considered household waste. roommates family threw out a couch in a "low income housing neighborhood"-needless to say it was outside half an hour before kids set it on fire,garbage truck took the frame.

How long did you wait before scheduling it? And my trash company does one free bulk pickup a month.

So you’d rather have someone take a free couch that they probably don’t think is broken?