A liar AND a cheapskate

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Fort Myers

Today, I was at K-Mart and saw an exact copy of my engagement ring for twenty bucks. The same one that had supposedly been in my fiancé's family for generations, and worth thousands. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 253
You deserved it 3 143

Top comments

You never know, your engagement ring might actually be really special, and this might just be a cheap knockoff. Give your fiancé the benefit of the doubt

Wizardo 33

I don't get why such value is placed upon an object like that. A wedding ring is understandable, but expectations of expensive jewellery for an engagement are a bit outdated now.


Maybe it didnt have a real gem in it and yours does

seems you don't care much for the man except for the status of a ring. I have a $50 ring..but of course I picked it. Appreciate who you have not what you don't have

ChrisMora 16

And? That doesn't mean your ring is fake.

My engagement ring cost about $20; I picked it out and we decided on it together. You shouldn't have to pay to be in love with someone! It's shit that he lied, unless he felt he couldn't propose to OP if she didn't believe the ring was valuable...

I'm sorry but what kind of love under no financial or moral burden spends less than a nice meal out on a symbol that is supposed to last a lifetime? I agree 3 month's salary isn't necessary, but this is the other extreme.

It doesn't have to have any monetary value at all. We didn't have any money and we didn't need to in order to make a commitment to each other.

You should buy like 5 of them and show up like "look what I found for a bargain!"

Don't jump to conclusions yet. Maybe he was also lied to by his family. Don't stress over this, tell him the truth and maybe the two of you can get to the root of this issue. Good luck!!!

I think the real FML here is that you were shopping in Kmart...

reality hurts. but maybe ur fiancè just wanted to make u feel more valuable, but did not have that much money to do so? cheer up, OP... xxx