By oww - 05/09/2015 01:25 - United States - Tekonsha

Today, I came to work with a huge hangover after a night out. I work as a marching band director, and guess who I had to conduct a sectional with? That's right, percussion. My head still hasn't stopped throbbing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 758
You deserved it 28 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Like I've got nothing against recreational drinking, but if you knew what was coming up I can't really sympathize. It'd have been different if you had been scheduled last minute and couldn't have known your plans, but as a conductor you know your schedule


maybe one should plan ahead if one plans to drink?

mds9986 24

You would assume somebody who has enough experience/age to be a marching band director would have the mental maturity to not get wasted when you have work the next day.

I will sacrifice all the likes 2 be the only one on this page to say, that sucks bro! sincerely!

RenoTheRhino 30

^ makes no sense. "think before you drank"?? you want people to think after they've drank or what?

Think before you drink, drink before you drive. That's how the saying goes right?

You deserve it. you should know what your schedule is like.

Ydi for being irresponsible enough to do that when you know you have work tomorrow

If you knew you would be conducting the day after, why did you go for a night out? Or why did you continue drinking to the point where you would have a huge hangover the next day? That being said, take some pain meds

Like I've got nothing against recreational drinking, but if you knew what was coming up I can't really sympathize. It'd have been different if you had been scheduled last minute and couldn't have known your plans, but as a conductor you know your schedule

I wonder what would happen if you added the winds also.