Cool your jets

By unimpressed bride - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Traverse City

Today, it's been two weeks since I got married. It's also two weeks since my husband got cold feet about moving in together, because he thinks the sudden change would be too emotionally distressing for his cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 298
You deserved it 3 208

Top comments

I honestly can't tell which ones more of a pussy. Your husband or his cat.

Tell him it's either his kitty or yours.


I honestly can't tell which ones more of a pussy. Your husband or his cat.

yaknow, people always act like he should HAVE to do this. everyone's different, not every one would even want to move in after getting married. if you didn't know enough about him to foresee this, or knew and expected something else, maybe you shouldn't have ******* married him. You deserved this, don't Bitch about something that should've been discussed and/or resolved beforehand.

Wtf kind of married couples do you know that don't live together? I thought that came with the package.

Um, generally the expression "cold feet" means someone had a change of mind. So they likely DID discuss it together and came to an agreement. If anyone was going to "foresee" this sudden change of heart, it would've been the husband, and if he kept quiet and waited till after the marriage to say anything then it is completely his own ******* fault. OP can't read minds: if her husband says he will move in with her, then it only makes sense that she trusted him to be true to his word.

Not all married couples live together, you don't HAVE to, but its generally a mutual decision that should be made with a lot of communication, which it doesn't sound like this was at all.

Tell him it's either his kitty or yours.

Except many people with animals would choose the cat. Then we'd be seeing this as an FML, "Today, I gave my new husband a choice: me, or his overly anxious cat. He chose the cat. FML."

countryb_cth 38

Probably not the best idea. However he really does need to get his priorities in check. I mean the cat will eventually calm down after a while but not moving in with your wife because your cat may or may not like change is a little drastic and I feel bad for her.

That's just silly. The cat won't fix you dinner

Nor would OP necessarily cook dinner. That could be one of the husbands chores when they spent nights together at either of their home. Point being, you just implied-accidentally or not- that a female human is barely superior to a cat because the first can make sandwiches. Dehumanizing much?

countryb_cth 38

@73 that joke flew faster over your head then a jet

Considering I've heard people say things like that an be completely serious, and reading tone is nigh impossible via plain text, I don't think missing a joke is such a major crime.

You can only eat one of those choices...

It seems he can't handle two *******. xD But on a serious note, this really sucks for you OP, hope he comes to his senses soon

Apparently.... he cares more about his pussy than yours.

let's hope this is actually about the cat and that he isn't making excuses. either way fyl

countryb_cth 38
91hayek 31

I think this is just an excuse to not move. Poor cat is taking the blame.

Asinger06 1

What if you moved in with him? Or is that to stressful for his cat as well?