Zach from Extra Fabulous Comics Illustrated this FML!

By Beeper - 09/07/2019 09:07 - United States - Champaign

Today, as always, I have Tourette's syndrome. It causes me to occasionally make a beeping noise. My boyfriend just figured out that if he beeps back, it makes me beep again. He thinks it's hilarious and won't stop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 795
You deserved it 185

Top comments

What if he beeps louder than you? Does that make you beep louder than him? And set this in infinite loop?


What if he beeps louder than you? Does that make you beep louder than him? And set this in infinite loop?

Question one, why the **** wouldn't he be annoyed by the beeping noise!

ahippienamedrae 10

#20 because he has patience and enjoys time spent with his girlfriend regardless of her "problems" perhaps?

Number 1: You're being an asshole.

incoherentrmblr 21

I bet someone would hire you to censor curse words. It would be a BEEP-ing good job for you...

furubafan74 18

That's terrible. He shouldn't make fun of you like that, especially at your expense.

Most likely he means no harm. It kinda reminds me when your BF finds your secret tickle spot and thinks it's funny to touch it constantly just to get your reaction. Negative or not. I understand it can be annoying when it's taken too far and he doesn't know when to quit. Hoping he'll get board soon enough. *Cross fingers* he doesn't own a "Roadrunner" DVD marathon.

Well it's better than him complaining about how annoying it is.

a lot of you dont seem to understand tourettes. ticks can be incredibly frustrating, a bit like sneezing. she isnt just saying "beep", shes having uncontrollable muscle reactions. like most people with tourettes she probably cherishes every moment that she is tick free so for him to actually purposefully trigger them and then laugh at her pain is a horrible thing to do.

iShanny 13

Just for the record, in this context the word is tic, not tick.

iShanny 13

Just for the record, in this context the word is tic, not tick. The poor girl doesn't have bugs! Well, I hope. :-)

maybe they are both having a laugh over her medical condition. it could be like a weight lifted of her shoulders because they found humor in an otherwise, unfunny situation.

I don't think this would be an FML if that were the case

Goblin182 26

#3 How do you make fun of someone and it not be at their expense?

#148, I meant that it's one thing to make fun of someone, but it's another when they're making fun of something that you can't control. that's all.

I am so sorry. Thats horrible that he'd even think of doing that. Maybe if you told him how much it bothers you he'd stop?

That's considerably better than him being annoyed by it. I mean, c'mon people, he could be a total ass but he isn't. He tries to have fun with her and enjoys her rather than being a douche about it.

It's really douchey to deliberately trigger her into having uncontrollable muscle spasms which is what happens when you have a tic. He's having fun at her expense which isn't cool at all. It wouldn't be okay to flash lights at her if she had photosensitive epilepsy nor would it be okay to make loud noises around her if she had PSTD so I don't see why it's okay because she has Tourettes.

If you're serious i think they mean PTSD which is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

122- I appreciate your post and the comparisons. It makes good sense.

soactually 4

Weird coincidence: I actually have both PTSD and photosensitive epilepsy. My friends never do anything that will trigger a violent or dangerous reaction, but they do sometimes trigger my mild seizures or make loud noises around me. It sounds horrible, I know, but it works for us. I feel like they aren't trying to ignore any part of me and are willing to deal with stuff right alongside me.

I have epilepsy myself. My ex-girlfriend once took me to a rave while we were still dating. She wasn't being horrible, she just didn't understand. I'd hope if OP explained it to her boyfriend he would stop. Me and my ex joked about the rave afterwards all the time; the same thing could happen here.

But.. you're supposed to say "beep," not "bleep." :/

Ummm ******* fuckity **** . Sorry touretts. thanks for seeing my typo .

#25, whoa, take it easy, pal. No need to go there. That's pretty beeped up.

Hey one person out of 26 so far has. Jeeze when did fml get so damn serious ?

Then she needs HBO, since they don't censor, or FX, since they replace curse words with random words. "You're acting like a total casserole." "I'm not a casserole. I'm pretty sure that I'm not a casserole."

TheNiceOne 20

If it does, don't watch Hell's Kitchen!

you poor thing, make sure he knows his boundaries at all times xx

Next time he beeps just say BEEEP BEEP ************ hit him with a toy car

This is the first time I've laughed out loud at a comment

That made me spit out my tea lol. Well done #11.

Lmao congrats #11 you win the internet. Beep beep ************ I'm a Jeep!

Call him a "mother ******* **** sucking asshole!!" and then blame it on your Tourette

Swearing being a symptom of Tourette's is actually incredibly rare.

romeonsingcross 15

Yes, I believe that it's called coprolalia. I have Tourette syndrome, along with my dad and brother, and none of us have that problem.

Ur knowledge of tourettes is obviosuly from american movies

Another quote from not another teen movie...