Who are you?

By mynameisnotstupid - 18/03/2016 15:05 - Germany - Munich

Today, while working in a customer service call center, a customer berated me for using a fake name. He said my name is "too stupid" to be real and that no sane person would ever use it. It was my real name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 572
You deserved it 1 362

Same thing different taste


Tell them that their face is too stupid, and that no sane person would keep it.

Is it Asswipé? (Pronounced A-swee-pay)

Some people are just too caught up on their own opinions and fail to realize that sometimes things are legitimate, even if they seem strange or unconventional.

My mom once had a co-worker with the last name "Nussbeutel", which could be translated literally as "nutsack". :D

You are not alone my friend. I personally have met Richard Douglas Stiff, the gynecologist who deliverd my son and Dick Badcock of Badcock's Furniture. Some parents should die; movie and rock star parents are the worst offenders for jaw dropping names.

I know a guy called Wayne King, hope it's not as bad as that OP!

ulissey_fml 22

Pyd is indeed a weird surname, but Stew is a perfectly acceptable first name in my book.

SailorSolaris 43

Don't feel so bad. A family friend was dating a guy named Nimrod and a guy I know knew someone named Jerk Harder *giggles*. So don't feel upset!

There will be people in the world who are dicks and don't understand that this isn't their own little utopia where they can just decide what is correct and incorrect.

I used to work at a call center and some of the different names seemed funny to us. One poor girl had to book a reservation for a Mr. Moo. It was quite hard for her to do it seriously as every time she spoke to him everyone would giggle.