Where is this kid now?

By randa - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff

Today, I told my son that his grades are dropping and his behavior is getting out of hand. To which he replied, "Yeah, so is your weight." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 118
You deserved it 16 936


life2007 0

Please tell me you back handed him and took his stuff away and enforced some serious grounding.

Elledanae 0

And that's the exact moment when you beat your child. If I would've done that to my parents, I probably would be dead. So use that strength on your son's ass!

mrmerino 0

wait, (ha), is it dropping or getting out of hand?

I hope you grounded him until he turns 18. No way would any of my kids get away with this

PNGDrumlineXD 0

be a smart ass back and say "thank you", since dropping weight is a compliment...

Exactly. I dont think the kid realized he gave his parent a compliment. It was him making a wrong choice of words. Which only proves he needs to bring his grades up even more.

you need to hit your child...serious...

Ground the little turd and take away whatever he loves, xbox, Wii, tv in his room, whatever. Tell him he earns it back with better grades, better 'tude, and a giant ******* apology! Or beat him like a rented mule!

atomicbaboon 0

I wanna rent a mule!! but only so I can beat it.

jenaandtyler4eva 0

your son got mad style you should be happy to have him as a son lmao

maybe it was a compliment and he meant your weight is also dropping?