What's on your mind?

By Anonymous - 13/06/2014 22:06 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, at my mother's open-casket funeral, my sister-in-law went to pay her respects. As she stood in front of the body, she coughed, muttering "Bitch" in the process. Either nobody else noticed or nobody cared, and she went on her way, noticeably not choked up at all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 391
You deserved it 4 366

Same thing different taste

Top comments

razzledazzle21 23

Your sister-in-law is a bitch. Even if she and your mother had their differences she had no right to be so disrespectful.


trellz17 19

It never ceases to amaze me how cruel some people can be.

Your sister in law is a real asshole, and I think she's the only bitch and she is horribly disRespectful

Did you know that the first part of a fetus that develops is the asshole, clearly the sister in law never developed past that stage

ChopSuey444 20

Well then. That was a clever (and truthful) insult AND I learned something. Go internet!

Sorry for your loss! Maybe they had a bad relationship that was kept hidden. Hopefully she can move past it.

Differences or not, getting past them or not, there is absolutely no excuse for that behavior!

My mom and sister-in-law didn't get along very well, but she mourned along with the rest of my family at my mom's funeral. Even if they had differences, OP's sister-in-law should be respectful and supportive for her husband's sake, if nothing else.

Wait till " Death Becomes Her " sorry OP karma comes around faster than you think.

91hayek 31

I would tell she can't talk to me until she apologizes to me or at my mother's grave. That is beyond rude. The woman is dead, what more do you want bitch?

MarMcBear 3

You have my sympathy... You should tell your sister-in law that you heard her and see what she has to say to that!

She'll probably deny it and pretend to be offended.

that's pretty messed up, even if they didn't get along. wrong place and time for any rude comments.

skittyskatbrat 19

Having known someone with a relative whose corpse deserved to be thrown into the street and trampled by incontinent, diarrhetic, rabid camels.... it may have been that the mother in law was really that horrible of a bitch to her daughter in law, and that the DIL finally felt free to express a major buildup of deserved rage. In that case, be glad she didn't laugh and scream "THANK GOD THAT EVIL COW IS DEAD!" Alternatively, she's just a bitch who is now gloating that only SHE is going to control her husband's life. Either way, it's an FML for you. Your mom was either a horrible MIL, or your SIL is a real piece of work. Ugh. Go have a lot of beers.

But even if it was the first situation, I feel she should have held in her rejoicing and let out her pent up anger when she was alone just in case someone was to overhear, like OP did. Just out of respect for everyone else.