We need to talk…

By HeatherRosure18 - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Glendale Heights

Today, while at the nail salon, my boyfriend called. Since I was getting my nails done, I had to put him on speaker. The whole salon heard him break up with me. I can still hear their snickering in my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 613
You deserved it 7 607

Top comments

zingline89 18

Sorry OP, guess he really nailed you with that one. Maybe you should have worked on polishing your relationship while you could. Though I gotta hand it to you, you seem to have taken it well.

FYL, I'm really sorry he did that and I'm even more sorry the whole salon laughed. That was grossly unprofessional and uncalled for. I would make some kind of complaint about that if I were you, not that it would reverse what they did but some people need to be taught when it is and isn't OK to cross boundaries. As for your now ex- embrace life without that douche x


Breaking up with you through the use of technology makes him a coward. Face to face is the best way, in my opinion.

I hate to say this but we have created this new "norm" of communication. People think it's ok to say anything over the phone or text. We have created a tech world over the past 20 or so years and now we complain? I saw this coming. I agree with 14, we should all stop communicating this way and starting doing it face to face....oh wait...I'm a product of my own society. Humph.

Your now ex boyfriend is a cowardly little bitch, you're clearly better off without him. As for the rest of the folk in the salon, well they're bitches too, I fart in their general direction.

JJ_Rokk 10

These last two FML's have definitely been more depressing than anything else :/ that sucks, he's a dick for doing it over the phone. Go out and find the lucky guy that deserves you.

Your ex is a heartless, spineless asshole if thats how he'd break up with you. If you're gonna break up with someone at least have the decency to do it in private and face to face!

Sorry but you kinda did it yourself for putting him on speaker. He's a dick for doing it over the phone but your fault for everyone hearing!

She also deserved it for answering her phone while getting her nails done. A phone call can wait.

Even if the call was about something trivial I would never want to put it on speaker in public. The simple thought of random strangers listening to personal details of my life ...

I don't care much for you privacy, but in my opinion it's pretty rude to all bystanders to put you phone on speaker in public...

Agreed. I can't say whether or not she deserved to have her boyfriend break up with her--although certainly not by phone--but she does deserve the humiliation for not waiting until her nails were dry and she could use the phone without putting it on speaker.

Well....I will say I agree for the most part, although, sometimes it is wise to answer the phone as you never know when it may be an emergency...speaker phone no though lol.

Breaking up with you over the phone was a low move, but did he even knew he was on speaker? ..yet, still i know it makes no difference. Seems to me like your better off. Good luck!

It makes it so much worse if she warned him that he was on speaker.

Shadow_Phantom 26

Everyone was laughing? What the **** is wrong with them... :/ FYL. Hope you can find somebody better.

YDI for using speaker phone in public. That's so rude.

StaceyMichelle 5

Fyl for being broken up with over the phone, but you deserve the laughs. I hate when people put their phone on speaker while in public. If you weren't able to talk on the phone without the whole salon hearing then you shouldn't have answered.

I think it's no big deal to use the speaker phone for a short while if ur unable to pick it up the normal way. That's what the function is there for , to use as u see fit.

RougeRamirez 8

The one time you actually would have preferred him to text message break-up