We don't need no education

By whyisitneverenough - 26/08/2023 08:00

Today, after years of toil and stress, and months of agony and torture, I have received my iGCSE exam results. I passed them all but because I'm a perfectionist and didn't get the highest grades, I feel like crap. Now I'm thinking about how I'll have to go through it all again for A levels. FML
I agree, your life sucks 194
You deserved it 764

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not to be cruel, but for your own mental health’s sake: I genuinely think therapy could help you, because this level of perfectionism is going to end with you completely burning yourself out sooner rather than later.

Even if it doesn't feel like so now, no one cares about your grades, average scores or cum laudes, it is only pass or fail in life and you passed - be kind to yourself.


To the people putting "You deserved it" : the author here clearly has a psychological problem and she's suffering from it since year. She needs professional help to feel better, not a bunch of judgmental online haters.

Even if it doesn't feel like so now, no one cares about your grades, average scores or cum laudes, it is only pass or fail in life and you passed - be kind to yourself.

Not to be cruel, but for your own mental health’s sake: I genuinely think therapy could help you, because this level of perfectionism is going to end with you completely burning yourself out sooner rather than later.

Please go seek professional help and this is coming from a former afflicted perfectionist, you will only continue to torture yourself mentally and or physically; it is a mental condition that is treatable. But it will become far worse for you if you don't seek out therapy ,there's an incredibly High percentage of perfectionists who end up self-harming or even committing suicide and the rest of us end up with a drug or alcohol addiction. Let me take a wild guess you are an introvert who has very little to no friends & you are socially awkward most times and probably soft spoken 😅

I took my state’s bar exam and passed it. I can think of no one who asked me what my score was, and that test is tougher than an overcooked shoe.