
By WhoDunIt - 14/01/2023 10:00

Today, I had a job interview for the perfect job. My phone rang in my pocket. I’d forgotten to silence it. The worst part? The ringtone was a guy saying “Pussy!” on a continuous loop. The interviewer chewed me out for being “unprofessional” and kicked me out. I have no idea who set that ringtone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 325
You deserved it 1 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

" I have no idea who set that ringtone." - YDI for not protecting your phone with even a pin. i hope you'll never get a job where data security is of any concern at all.

One of your competitors for the job, that's who. All you have to do to get back into the running for the job is murder a hobo, stuff their body into the trunk of your competitor's car and then anonymously tip off the company's security about the crime. That'll show 'em to **** with you!


" I have no idea who set that ringtone." - YDI for not protecting your phone with even a pin. i hope you'll never get a job where data security is of any concern at all.

One of your competitors for the job, that's who. All you have to do to get back into the running for the job is murder a hobo, stuff their body into the trunk of your competitor's car and then anonymously tip off the company's security about the crime. That'll show 'em to **** with you!

Trying to outdo Archer, are you? Although he prefers butts.

Whoever di that, taught you a valuable lesson. FYL and YDI.