This job sucks

By Rafael - 14/01/2022 20:01

Today, the thirteenth new hire quit at the call center I work at, while still in training. We just started last week with a wave of 20 new hires. FML
I agree, your life sucks 863
You deserved it 256

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like your company sucks. I worked for a place that treated their employees terribly and we had the same problem.

Time to make the management think about what's wrong. If you're in the management team and face difficulties to get things to change, maybe time to get your own way out.


Sounds like your company sucks. I worked for a place that treated their employees terribly and we had the same problem.

Sux when you need employees and they quit. But this is a learning time. Do they quit because they have no work ethic (one or two, yes)? or because of the management (individuals)? or because of company policies set by management? time to dig deeper

Time to ask for a raise, a promotion, more paid vacation and your own Swingline stapler.

Could you go ahead and make more Office Space references? That'd be great.

Um, yeah. I’m going to have to ask you to come in on Saturday.

Time to make the management think about what's wrong. If you're in the management team and face difficulties to get things to change, maybe time to get your own way out.

Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, thirteen is probably your own dang fault.

OfficialMrD 3

Companies will always hire in waves… they expect most to leave and only a few to survive.