
By Anonymous - 04/03/2021 11:01 - Germany

Today, my teenage daughter insisted it was my job to take down the tray full of empty dishes, because I was the one who had carried it upstairs. Sound logic, so far. Why had I carried the tray upstairs? To serve her breakfast in bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 601
You deserved it 815

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the logic still stands, you still brought them up. do you do this often? she might be a spoiled brat

coius 23

Make that self-entitled asshat of a daughter carry them down, or drop them on her bed. You did something nice, and she threw it back in your face. If you caved in, you can only blame yourself for the monster you raised willingly that you unleashed on the world. YOU are the reason karens exist. And you are to blame for making her into a karen. If she’s making this argument, it’s obviously not the first time you’ve fostered the attitude, so congrats, over time, you’ve been raising a karen. YDI


the logic still stands, you still brought them up. do you do this often? she might be a spoiled brat

Sweetie 5

So you raise your daughter to be an ungrateful little twat?

coius 23

Make that self-entitled asshat of a daughter carry them down, or drop them on her bed. You did something nice, and she threw it back in your face. If you caved in, you can only blame yourself for the monster you raised willingly that you unleashed on the world. YOU are the reason karens exist. And you are to blame for making her into a karen. If she’s making this argument, it’s obviously not the first time you’ve fostered the attitude, so congrats, over time, you’ve been raising a karen. YDI

Sorry, but I don't see any way you're not partially to blame here. If you did it as a surprise, like for her birthday, then it's only fair you clean up since you were initially responsible for allowing her to make a mess. If she asked you to make her breakfast in bed, and refused to clean up after, then it's on you to put your foot down as the parent, make her clean up, and deny any such luxuries in the future in order to put a stop to her spoiled bratty behavior. I will say she was lucky you made it for her if she asked. If I'd ever asked my parents for breakfast in bed when I lived with them, they would have pointed to my door and said "Kitchen's that way".

rotflqtms_ 21

Why exactly are you making her breakfast in bed? She doesn't seem like she deserves it tbh. I hope you left it there. Don't make her breakfast again. Honestly, just don't make her any breakfast. She's a teen. She's old enough to start.

It may be time to stop bringing her food and have her go TO the food.

giraffe_poop 8

You sacrifice for your kids and there's that ungrateful spoiled brat that's got to make you regret doing anyone a favor. Don't let her take advantage of you.